
Red Oak Tabletop

In this post I share how I built a 27″ x 84″ (7ft) tabletop using Red Oak for a friend of mine. Background During the pandemic, working-from-home became the way of life for many, including myself. Sitting for extended hours was not great, so I purchased a motorized sit/stand desk. This excluded the tabletop and

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Unity Collisions

The aim of this post is to summarize: What’s required for collisions in Unity How to setup some basic collision detection When OnTrigger and OnCollision are called and when they aren’t What’s required for collision to occur? For collisions to be detected by Unity, there are 2 components that are of particular importance: 1. Rigidbody

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Homelab v3

Background As a kid, I’ve always loved the idea of having a “server” at home – even if I couldn’t justify the electricity cost 🙂 The idea behind a “Homelab” is essentially being able to have one or many networked devices (such as computers and servers) which run software at home. Some common use cases:

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What is Perforce? Perforce is a centralized verson control system (i.e. there is only one central location of the project – depot). Why Perforce? Perforce handles massive projects efficiently. Instead of creating a hash for the entire project (i.e. what git does) Perforce only does this for the files you’d like changed. This makes it

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Coroutines When working in Unity and you find yourself asking the following questions: How can I make sure task A finishes before I can do [task B]? How do I delay a method by X seconds? How can I wait for a condition to be met before continuing? How can I wait for a response

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